Friday, August 24, 2012

Joey Loves Blueberries!

Joey loves blueberries! He will eat them first off his try before touching anything else. He can find them wherever they are.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Lovin' the swing

Grandpa hung the little swing in a tree for Joey. He had a blast getting pushed all morning. He was laughing and even started saying "Weee!!!"

Joey & John

Joey enjoyed his time with everyone this weekend, especially John. John followed him around, played with him so much and hung on his every word. He's going to be a great older brother!

Happy Birthday Grandma Pam!

Joe, Joey and I drove down to East Texas yesterday afternoon to surprise Pam for her birthday. We joined Melanie, John, Aaron and Robert.

Happy Birthday Pam!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Jack wants to go for a ride

Joey and I headed out to dinner at Mimi's tonight to see Joe. Apparently Jack wanted to go too!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Ma Ma!

I got a little snippet of Joey saying Ma Ma on video!

Joey Loves Trucks!

This kid loves trucks, anything with wheels really. He really loves his dump truck and the little man and rock that go with it.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Trip to the Aquarium

Joe had the weekend off (YAY! I could get used to that) and we decided to take Joey to the aquarium on this hot, hot Sunday.

He loved it! We will have to go back, for sure. And next time, maybe we'll do Lego Land too!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Joey's First Haircut

Today Joe and I took Joey to get his first haircut! He was such a trooper. Sat there and didn't make a peep. He was a little curious, kept looking around, but other than that - perfect. We took him to a place close to home that's just for kids. He sat in a race car chair.

Here's a before shot:

A couple during:

All finished:

Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday Night

Joey and I spent a great Friday night home together. He's such a busy little boy these days and so happy. He's been saying Ma Ma for over a week now, but every time I grab my phone to get some video he stops, naturally.