Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Joey: 13 Months

A few days late, but we decided to continue Joey's monthly milestones posts past his first year! With the teething and sick baby, I'm a little late on this one.

Just one month past a year and I can't believe how much our little man changes each month. We have quite the talker on our hands! He says touchdown, what's that, yea and has said thank you a couple of times. Lots of babble out of this little guy. No change on the standing/walking. This kiddo is quite content crawling around everywhere.

I weighed Joey on our scale at home and it's reading 18 pounds, which is the same as last month.

Joey is much more in tune with what's going on around him and pays attention and mimics more than ever. His love affair with the cats has continued and has a new found love for Elmo. He has little Elmo and Cookie Monster figures that his LOVES. Joey is a busy little bee and loves to play and read books.

The bottle is completely gone, haven't seen it in about a month, but the pacifier is a different story. He is quite attached, though we try to only give it to him at bedtime. I have a feeling that will be a huge pain to break him of.

Joey is full-on solid foods and is eating things like biscuits, hot dogs, chicken nuggets, fish sticks, grilled cheese, mac & cheese, spaghetti, etc. in addition to the fruits and veggies that we give him regularly. He is starting to show favoritism - favorites including bananas, blueberries, chicken nuggets and fish sticks. He seems to think that he doesn't need vegetables, but we're not quite convinced of that. My good little veggies eater is changing his mind, but I won't give up.

Since Joey is over a year old, we've decided to change up the photo a little - enjoy!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Home sick

Joey's home sick today. :( Just a high fever - he's got something viral that has to run its course. So while he naps, why not blog?

Decisions, decisions - Pedialyte or Milk?

Kitties make him feel a little better

A little tail grab before she runs away

Not feeling so great. A little Sesame Street before heading to the pediatrician.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Joey loves berries!

Joey's palette has broadened. He's upgraded his love for berries to include raspberries and blackberries. This kid can't get enough!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Trick or Treat

Joe and I took Joey trick or treating in Frisco Square this afternoon. There was candy, a petting zoo and beautiful weather.

Video of Silly Boy

He's silly, just a ham. =)

Haircut #2

Joe took Joey to get another haircut one night last week after picking him up from daycare. He took Joey to his "guy" so he got a big boy haircut and did really well.

But I don't want to stand...

At this point, Joey seems quite content crawling and kneeling, not much interest in standing and walking is out of the question.

Bath Time

Snuggly Saturday

We like to spend our fair share of lazy, snuggle Saturdays - when we can get them.

Joey's Baptism

Joey was baptized Sunday, September 30 at Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church in Allen, TX.

We're Back!

Wow, has it really been since the first of the month since anyone has heard from us? Joey has been teething since his birthday. We thought he was cutting two teeth at the same time, but it turned out to be three! He cut a lower tooth (right side next to his front teeth), then his front left tooth popped through. The other front tooth should appear any day now. We're all ready for a little break from teething. We've all gotten a little bug that's been floating around too. Everyone is feeling better, so let the blog updates continue. Pardon the "blog bomb" to get everyone caught up in the meantime.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Party shots

I got a few pictures around the party before everything picked up and got underway.

Joey Eating his Birthday Cake

Joey's first taste of cake was a hit! He ate it ALL!

Birthday Party - Baseball Decor

I had an absolute blast putting Joey's party together. We went with a baseball theme and I found so many fun, cool things (thank you Pinterest)! Here are a few shots of the decorations.


Wreath on front door

Cake table


Joey's smash cake

Pennants - Concessions & Joey's monthly progression (newborn - 12 months)

Happy Birthday Joey Pennant banner

Baseball lanterns

Birthday Party Time!

Joey's 1st Birthday party was on Saturday. It was a cool, rainy day, but a great time. Family gathered to celebrate Joey's first birthday. As more festivities of the day roll in, I will add more pictures.

Here are a few pictures of Joey opening presents. He did really good - got excited and was a really funny!