Thursday, January 31, 2013

In the box, out of the box

Joe enjoyed a little time home with Joey a couple afternoons this week. When I got home one day, he informed me that Joey had a new trick. He apparently looked over and Joey was inside a box. He looked away and looked back and Joey was then out of the box.

Monday, January 28, 2013


Finally, captured on camera!

Mr. Mischievous

Joey loves to crawl under the side table in our den. He'll take some toys with him and pass them around the legs and just occupy himself.

Love this face

I love this face and this silly boy!

Work from home day

Miss Toni's son had the flu today, so I worked from home with Joey. He was a champ and took a three hour nap for me this morning! This little trouper let mama pull a full day's worth of work. And if you look at his play room, you'll see why.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Joey: 16 Months

Joey is 16 months old and has finally broken the 20 pound mark! The scale is reading 20-21 pounds.

Our little guy finally started pulling up, just about a week or so ago. And since the initial wobbly pull up, he's up and down all day on everything. It took him a little while, but now he's got it down. He will take steps when we hold onto him and will move around things like the couch or ottoman if there's something enticing enough that he wants. I feel like he's going to take off running here soon.

We have a talker on our hands! He constantly says hi, what's that, who's that, outside, bath, car, boo (our nickname for Jackson, the cat), ball and so much more. In just the last week or two he's seemed to overcome his fear of strangers a little. When we were at the store before someone would say hi to him and he'd look back in terror - now he says hi at the top of his lungs over and over to anyone that's near him. It's actually kind of cute.

He's into discovering body parts, especially belly buttons. He thinks it's funny to lift my shirt, poke his finger into my belly button and laugh. Recently, Joe showed Joey his own belly button and he thought that was pretty funny too. He loves to grab ahold of my nose and say "no." I think he's trying to say nose, but I'm not sure.

Joey loves bath time and usually gets upset when I take him out of the bath to put his pj's on. No matter how long he's in there, it's never long enough in his eyes.

Right now his favorite toys seem to be trucks, anything with wheels really, balls and books. He's truly a boy. He loves to destroy anything we try to build with blocks or legos. I look forward to the day he tries to build with us instead of knocking everything down.

Joey's favorite foods seem to be chicken nuggets, fish sticks and bananas. He also loves his yogurt bites, puffs and crunchies. Lately he's into blueberries and strawberries, along with baked beans, peas and carrots - although he changes his mind on this stuff daily. Hopefully we'll get through the picky eater phase and I'll have my good little eater back again soon.

We have a sweet boy and I am truly thankful for that. He's so funny and super sweet. Enjoy this month's photo!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Bath Hat

We were having a problem keeping the water out of Joey's face when rinsing the soap out of his hair at bath time. I found a little visor/shield thingy and decided to give it a whirl. It looks kinda silly, but it works and he doesn't seem to mind it. He plays away while we rinse.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

How cute is this face

I was playing with the new camera I got for Christmas and came across a really sweet one. How cute is this face?

Friday, January 4, 2013


Feeling a little better, I snapped a few shots over the past couple of days of Joey playing with some of his new toys.