Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Joey: 17 Months

At 17 months, Joey is still hanging right around that 20 pound mark. Next month - an accurate weight from the pediatrician's office, along with a height update.
Joey is quite the little talker! He's starting to mimic us more and more. He says Elmo, bath, night-night, bye bye, hi, car, outside, kitty, dog, mommy, da-da, thank you, ball, no, touch down and so much more.
He is pulling up a lot and will walk along the couch, bathtub, ottoman or window sill. He hasn't taken that brave first step on his own. Super crawl is his preferred method of travel.
Joey love bath time! No amount of time is long enough. He loves to kick, splash, stack his cups. Anything and everything is fair game at bath time. His inner-wild man comes out, for sure.
He also loves books. He loves to be read to and we've really made books before bed a permanent part of our routine. He will pull his books out and look through them page by page, on book at a time.
We've still got a little bit of a picky eater on our hands. He has his good days and bad days. He's a good eater, just particular. Chicken nuggets and fish sticks are still among his favorites. Recently he seems to be enjoying mac & cheese. Shockingly, he's shying away from bananas. Strawberries and blueberries are back in the love category. He also enjoys crackers and goldfish. He also can't get enough of muffins and M&M's, though not at the same time.
This month's picture was rough! Joey was super squirmy, all over the place and the majority of the photos came out blurry. Slim pickens these days!


Sunday, February 24, 2013


Joe and Joey did some coloring today, and surprisingly, it was more Joey than Joe. Until he started to chew on the crayon.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Playdate with Adley & John

Joey loves his cousins! He loves to play with little Adley and loves to follow John around.

Joey & Great-Grandma

This video is so funny it deserves its own post. Great-Grandma Smith and Joey were on a roll!

The best part is, neither one knew they were being filmed until after the fact. Gotta love the sneak attack!

Visit from the Smith's

Grandma and Grandpa Smith, along with Great-Grandma Smith came this weekend to visit Joey. We hung out, went to McKinney Trade Days, went to church and hung out some more.

Here are a few photos from the weekend.


Coloring at Chili's

Leaving McKinney Trade Days

All aboard the tricycle

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! Joey wore his "Little Heartbreaker" shirt today and little heartbreaker he is.

He was also a busy little man at daycare today. Joe and I got our first homemade valentine from our sweet boy. Thanks for the crafting Miss Toni! We love it!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Trying to play

Joey's a little distracted. He's trying to play and I won't quit taking his picture. Something about that face, I just can't resist.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Joey got several Sesame Street figurines this Christmas to go with the two he got for his birthday and he loves them! Today he started calling them by name, sort of. All of them are Elmo in his eyes.

Ketchup - not a fan

We fed Joey tater tots with his lunch today and thought we'd give him his first try of ketchup. Not a fan...

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Look at all my teeth!

Joey has 11 teeth now and one toothy smile!

Joey & Jack

After bath time, I was getting Joey dressed and Jack just didn't want to stay away!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Bath Time Fun

I've mentioned many times how much Joey loves bath time. He plays, laughs, dances, acts silly and says "bath" over and over as we get ready to put him in. I was able to get a couple videos of him enjoying bath time. Of course, he tones it down a little when I come at him with the camera, but it's still pretty cute.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Stacking cups

I no sooner get the thought down and a week later, I come upstairs and see Joe and Joey stacking cups. Maybe this total destruction thing is almost behind us? And he's so intent, he's not even disturbed by me taking his picture.


Saturday, February 2, 2013


I was taking Joey's picture today as he stood over the laundry basket with the cat in it, and said "Say cheese" and he did! =)