Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Joey: 26 Months

Joey is weighing in right around 24 pounds and is busy as ever. His verbal skills continue to grow. He says countless words and is talking in at least 5-6 word sentences. It’s fun to watch his brain think through what we’re saying to him and come up with a response. He is definitely not afraid to speak his mind.

Joey continues to enjoy running, jumping, playing outside, reading books, playing with cars, trains, legos, blocks, balls and so much more. He’s starting to enjoy coloring and will ask to color whenever he sees a box of crayons.

For his 26 month photo, Joey’s sporting his dinosaur pjs and slippers. He likes to put on his “dinosaur feet.”


Sunday, November 10, 2013

Elmo donut

Those of you that know my husband well know that he loves donuts. He will never turn them down for breakfast and will often "volunteer" to go get them himself. Joey is starting to catch the "donut bug" as well. Joe suggested donuts for breakfast this morning and eagerly headed out to get some. He saw one he thought Joey would be a fan of and had to pick it up.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

What a ham!

The colder weather is starting to set in and this was a cool enough day to bust out the heavier coat and hat. Joey didn't want to take his monkey hat off - go figure!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Saturday, November 2, 2013


I found a new fruit Joey not only likes, but requests on a frequent basis. Score!

Friday, November 1, 2013

More Strawberries!

I found a video hiding from early October. So here it is!

Joey loves strawberries!!!