Saturday, September 27, 2014


Joey's really getting into opening presents this year!

Joey's Birthday Party!

Joey had his birthday party with family and friends at My Gym. What fun it was!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Ice Cream for the Birthday Boy!

Because Joey's birthday party is tomorrow, we decided to have ice cream on his birthday instead of cake. I think he likes it better anyway.

Joey: 3 Years

Believe it or not, we have a three year old! Joey has turned three. What an amazing boy we have. We cherish every moment and have enjoyed watching him grow over the last 36 months.

Joey continues to wow us with his verbal skills. He puts together crazy long sentences and is quite the story teller. He will come up with some of the funniest stories, telling us how something happened, why it happened and so much more. We're seeing him understand consequences and cause and effect. It's truly an amazing thing to witness.

He is really into imagination play - which really livens up playing with cars and dinosaurs. Joey continues to love books. He enjoys being read to. He really enjoys books that focus on specific letters and tell a story with items related to those letters. He loves them so much, he's started to memorize them.

Joey transitioned very well into his toddler bed (several months back) and is potty trained. He will have accidents here and there, but wears underwear daily and Pull-Ups at bedtime.

We've noticed a change in Joey's food habits. He is starting to become more open to trying new things. He likes to eat what mommy and daddy are eating for dinner and doesn't demand the items he used to (chicken nuggets, mac & cheese, fish sticks, etc.). Some of his favorites include cheese, yogurt, noodles, waffles, apples, bananas, cereal, Nutri Grain bars and more.

Joey is a good sleeper (most of the time) getting around 11 hours of sleep every night and still has an afternoon nap (2-3 hours).

Joey has thrived in preschool. He not only potty trained in two weeks' time, he's socializing better (not that it was ever a problem) and is learning so much. From songs to ABCs to picking letters and so much more. It's an amazing thing to watch.

Our pip-squeak is growing! Weighing in at 26 pounds (3rd percentile) and 36 inches tall (18th percentile). 

Birthday Breakfast

Joey got to pick breakfast for his birthday - cinnamon rolls!

Happy Birthday Joey!

Joey is three! Where has the time gone?

Here are few photos from his birthday morning, opening gifts.

Seeing presents as he gets out of bed

He starts playing with his road mat before asking to open his gifts

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Autumn Fest Carnival

Just a little carnival at Autumn Fest at the Little Elm Park Lake.