Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from our sweet little witch and dinosaur!

We had a blast trick or treating with the neighborhood kids!

Joe's creepy guy handing out candy.

The full effect - this guy scared kids at night. They were screaming!

Complete with homemade tombstones and moaning ghost

Movie with Daddy

Joe took Joey to see the Goosebumps movie in the theater today. They both love scary movies! I got this while they were gone.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

A little morning chill

My kids love to relax in the morning. Charlie bolts right out of bed, bright eyed and ready to go. Joey, is a much slower riser. He needs time and cartoons. This is our usual morning ritual.

This is Joey's famous - "Mom you're standing in front of the TV" face.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Charlotte: 6 Months

Baby Charlie is half a year old! Where have the first six months gone? Luckily, this sweet little girl is feeling so much better than she was last month.

Her sleeping habits haven't waivered too much, she sleeps through the night (most nights), and continues to forego naps most of the time.

Charlotte is weighing in at 14 pounds, 9 ounces and is 25.5 inches long.

We've seen a few changes in the last month. Charlie has rolled over and is now eating solid foods. She started with bananas and is also eating Mum Mums, pears and squash. So far, she's loving solids.

Charlie continues to love playing on her playmat. Though she can roll over, she's still not a huge fan of being on her belly. She's started to love being in her jumperoo. She doesn't really jump around in it, more sits up and checks things out, while playing with the toys.

This month's photo just melts my heart, enjoy!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Oh, those Cowboys

What a rough season. This one has been hard to sit through and it's barely started.

At least Joey got to enjoy some ice cream.

Cozy & Cute

The weather is turning a little chilly! So, of course footed jammies are a must!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Family Resemblance?

This little boy was supposed to be home sick with his daddy today. Looks fine to me. But, do you see any family resemblance between these two?

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Roll Over Maybe

...or maybe not...

Well, we saw her do it for the first time yesterday. Now to attempt to capture it on video...

A little pumpkin patch fun

Baby's First Food

Today has been an eventful day. :) Charlie had her first real solid food (other than cereal, of course). She ate (and loved) a banana!

Big Girl in the Bumbo

Someone's a big girl! And those eyes...

Friday, October 16, 2015

Fall School Pictures

I love that Joey's school does both Fall and Spring pictures! They take them for the little kids too, not just the pre-schoolers. And, since they're siblings, they took one of the two of them together! This time, it was a fun old-fashioned theme!

(Joey - 4 years, Charlotte - 5 months)

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Black Cupcake Icing

During this week's Cowboys watch party, Joey got a cupcake with black icing. Just for him. YUM!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Pizza Picnic

Final nursery pics

I just realized, I don't think I ever posted any pictures of Charlotte's completed nursery. So, here we are. Five months after her arrival, here are final nursery pictures.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Charlie rolled over!

Charlie rolled over for the first time today! Of course it was while she was at daycare. Now my mission is to try to capture it on video. Wish me luck!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Friday, October 2, 2015

Sick Boy

Poor little guy got sick just after his fun-filled birthday weekend. Both kiddos have been sick in the past week's time. But Joey's was more than just a cold. He was home from school with mama for two days.

Got him all setup on the couch

And he's out

Starting to feel a little better