Sunday, November 29, 2015

Charlotte's Baptism

Charlotte was baptized today at Our Lady of Angels Catholic Church in Allen, TX.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are very fortunate to spend this Thanksgiving with family. My parents and grandmother came to town and Joe's family came as well for Charlotte's baptism. We got to spend the long weekend with so many family and friends. We are so blessed! Here are several photos from the weekend.

Smoked turkey - YUM!

The spread

Obligatory family photo

Charlie & Great Grandma

Making Christmas cookies with Grandma 

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Charlotte: 7 Months

7 months falls on Thanksgiving Day for sweet little Charlotte. This lucky little lady got to enjoy some super yummy food - mashed potatoes and gravy! She's also enjoyed apples and peas, in addition to the pears and squash she's been enjoying. So far, she's loved everything, except the peas. Those, she's not a big fan of.

Charlie was rocking the whole sleep thing, until about two weeks ago or so, when she got sick. Since then, she's been up a little bit every night. Hopefully we get over this hump soon and back to the routine this mama was enjoying. Naps are still pretty hit and miss.

Charlie tends to prefer being upright these days. She likes to sit up and play or sit in her Bumbo. She's getting pretty good at sitting up by herself. She'll sit there for a little while, then get distracted and fall backward. It's like when her attention is broken, she forgets she has to balance. Occasionally, she'll lay and play a little on her playmat, which is still one of her favorites. Get her on her belly and it's over! At this point though, no signs of crawling. She's not even showing an interest in getting up on her knees.

She's said her first word! Dada is the winner.

My best guess at a weight for her this month is right around 15 pounds. No well check appointment again for her until 9 months, so we'll see for sure then.

I could just eat this little girl up with the level of cuteness. I just can't help it!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

I love daycare crafts!

I literally love and cherish daycare crafts like this. Can't get enough!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

My poor baby

What started as a fever and possible teething, turned out to be hand, foot, mouth disease. Poor baby caught it and so did I! Lots of snuggling, lots of jammie time.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

East Texas Fun

He stripped down to his underwear and started singing and dancing in the rain

Jumping in "muddy puddles" just like Peppa Pig

This happy baby loves the fresh air

Joe saw activity at the deer feeder, but didn't get anything