Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Over the river and through the woods...

This past weekend Joe and I had the pleasure of heading to my parent's place in Iowa for our first baby shower. We had a blast and got to see a lot of people we hadn't seen in a while. Unfortunately, all of the photos were taken by my mom except for a couple. Until I get them from her and can post some, here we go.

We were originally going to take Joe's SUV to haul ourselves, our two dogs and the goodies for the baby. The AC just wasn't pumping out well enough for this mama, so we decided to take my car at the last minute. Which ended up being a really good decision because the thermometer read 110* as we headed through Oklahoma back to Texas. A little less space, but we figured we would make it work. My poor car.

A rock flew out of nowhere and SMACK. Poor windshield.

Well we got there safe and sound, only to notice the road work of Oklahoma ate my tire. Two had to be replaced while we were there. All worth it though, because the trip was great. Thanks again to everyone who was able to make it, we really enjoyed the visit.

We also had a monumental moment that weekend. For those of you who don't know, my husband can't stand vegetables. It's been a struggle to get him to try any since I've known him. I tried to coax him into eating corn when we were back in Iowa for our wedding. How can you marry a girl from Iowa and not try some sweet corn? Well he finally tried it - AND LIKED IT! Major victory! He may kill me for this, but let's share this monumental moment. =)

As soon as get photos from the weekend, I will post them!

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