Sunday, September 25, 2011

From the expecting father

38 weeks - we are so close that it could happen at any time. We are so excited to see what little Joey is going to look like. Will he have my nose or Crystal's chin. Blue eyes or webbed toes (my family has webbed toes, but it's cute not weird).

My mom has been here for the last few days after our high blood pressure scare last week. I want to thank her for being here to answer all the 200 questions we have everytime something changes and we get more and more anxious. Today we made our last trip to BabiesRUs and Target to pickup anything we still needed and the pressure was on. At BabiesRUs Crystal had to stay in the car. High blood pressure has put her on bed rest but she really wanted to come. I had to have my mom run diaper bags out to the car to see if she liked them. She liked the first one, thank goodness). We are ready!

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