Saturday, November 19, 2011

The holidays already?

Joe and I took Joey to Stonebriar Mall last night in hopes of seeing a lot of Christmas decorations and on the lookout for new stockings. I found some stockings online that I like, but wanted to do a little leg-work here first to see if I can snag some. Plus, it was a really good excuse to get out of the house and spend a little time together as a family.

I was disappointed to see not a single kiosk with holiday items. Really? Is this only something that occurs back home? That can't be. Am I too early? It's the week before Thanksgiving. I know it's a little early, but a lot of retail places have been decking out in Christmas garb since Halloween. This may be a little harder than I thought.

I've heard from others that another mall is all decked out already, but going as a family was half the fun. Oh well, we tried. We had fun anyway.

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