Joey is 4 months old and weighing in at 12 pounds, 10 ounces and 24.3 inches long. He tolerated his vaccinations much better this time around - not cranky and hardly ran a fever. Maybe next time he won't even notice them.
At four months Joey continues to sleep through the night, going 8-10 hours between feedings. We have been able to get him to bed much early at night - anywhere between 8:30 and 10:30, depending on his feeding schedule for the day.
Joey is very verbal. He loves to talk to us, his toys, himself - anything that will listen. It's such a beautiful sound to hear. He is a very happy baby. He cries very little, really only when he's hungry and every once in a while when his diaper is dirty. He laughs a lot and is starting to anticipate us doing things - like tickling and raspberrying him.
Bath time has become a lot more fun, as he sits upright in the tub now and splashes. He kicks his feet a lot and seems to enjoy it more and more. I think bath toys are right around the corner.
Joey continues to enjoy his playmat - grabbing at the toys - and loves his jumperoo. He is so close to being able to touch the ground. Just a little more weight on him, and I think he'll be there.