Thursday, May 31, 2012

Swinging in East Texas

We went to East Texas to visit Joe's parents at the start of our vacation. Nothing better than a little quiet and the smell of country air to relax you. Joe and Robert hung a swing in one of the trees for Joey. It was his first time in a swing outside.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Snuggling with Daddy

Too sweet not to post...

Sippy Cup

We've been trying a sippy cup with Joey here and there. He really isn't too sure about it, especially when we try to give it to him while he's sitting up. He'll give it a whirl here and there if he's lying down.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Joey has been up since about 4:15 this morning. Yesterday was a big day, he cut his second tooth (the other front one on the bottom) and learned how to do the whole stick your tongue out and make it vibrate thing. Obviously I'm not sure what it's called, but you get the idea. While we were up, thought we'd get a quick video of interaction with Jackson. Joey was cooperating a little more than the kitty, but you can at least see the kiddo light up.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Highchair time

Joey loves hanging out in his highchair. He will usually sit content and play while we cook dinner, make baby food, clean the kitchen or do whatever.

Silly boy

Joey thinks it's hilarious to do weird things with his pacifier. He will put it in his mouth upside down and laugh. This is his latest pacifier trick - upside down and flipped into his mouth.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Our Little Chatter Box

Some times we have to beg for it, other times he chatters and chatters.

Joey: 8 Months

Joey is 8 months old! I think the scale is playing tricks on me. It's weighing him in at 17 pounds, but that's what it said last month and he feels a lot heavier than that. I think it's time for a new scale. Next month he has a doctor's appointment, so we'll get an accurate weight and the first height update since he was six months.

Joey continues to be our good little sleeper (most nights). He usually takes two naps a day. A good 1-2 (sometimes longer) nap in the morning and another hour nap in the afternoon. The majority of the time, he's in bed between 8:00 and 8:30 every night. He continues to favor sleeping on his stomach, though he's moving around in there more and more, and sleeps in his crib during at night.

In the past month, Joey cut his first tooth! It feels like another may be on it's way. It hasn't cut yet, but I don't think it will be too long. Time will tell.

We have introduced a few more foods to Joey in the last month, including: beef, blueberries, yogurt and puffs. The puffs caught him off guard, but everything else seemed to be a hit.

Joey can sit up on his own now and loves to sit and play. He's actually starting to prefer it. He still scoots around here and there on his belly and will get up on all fours and rock, but still no crawling.

His love for our animals continues, especially the cats and more exclusively, Jackson. It's funny, but the relationship seems to be mutual. Jack loves it when Joey pets him, even when that means grabbing him one handful of fur at a time. It's my goal to capture this on video soon.

All in all, we have a happy baby. He's happy at home and happy at daycare. He loves to smile and love and is a joy to be around.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sitting Up Solo

He still falls backward from time to time, but can sit up for 30+ minutes at a time. Joey actually prefers to sit up now that he's gotten a taste for it.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

We have a tooth!

Joey cut his first tooth yesterday! Poor little guy was miserable all day long. I did what I could to help relieve his discomfort. His favorite was the cold teething ring - we kept rotating between three all day and couldn't keep them cold enough for the little guy.

I will snap a shot of the tooth when he'll open wide enough to do so. It's the lower front tooth on the left.

Da Da

It's Mother's Day and Joey kept saying "Da Da" all day long. We heard it for the first time the other day, but it's more distinct now and he will mimic us. It's really pretty sweet. Joe grins from ear to ear. Maybe he will say Mama on Father's Day. =)

Who's a Cutie?

Just because he's cute...

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Back & Forth

We are one step closer to crawling! Joey has gone from sliding backward to rocking back and forth. I have a feeling he's just going to take off after a cat when he does start to crawl. We will see.

Jumping Bean

Of course Joey was jumping like crazy until I brought the camera out. With a little coaxing, he gives us a taste.

He loves the jumperoo so much more now that's he's figured out he can bounce around in it.