Saturday, May 26, 2012

Joey: 8 Months

Joey is 8 months old! I think the scale is playing tricks on me. It's weighing him in at 17 pounds, but that's what it said last month and he feels a lot heavier than that. I think it's time for a new scale. Next month he has a doctor's appointment, so we'll get an accurate weight and the first height update since he was six months.

Joey continues to be our good little sleeper (most nights). He usually takes two naps a day. A good 1-2 (sometimes longer) nap in the morning and another hour nap in the afternoon. The majority of the time, he's in bed between 8:00 and 8:30 every night. He continues to favor sleeping on his stomach, though he's moving around in there more and more, and sleeps in his crib during at night.

In the past month, Joey cut his first tooth! It feels like another may be on it's way. It hasn't cut yet, but I don't think it will be too long. Time will tell.

We have introduced a few more foods to Joey in the last month, including: beef, blueberries, yogurt and puffs. The puffs caught him off guard, but everything else seemed to be a hit.

Joey can sit up on his own now and loves to sit and play. He's actually starting to prefer it. He still scoots around here and there on his belly and will get up on all fours and rock, but still no crawling.

His love for our animals continues, especially the cats and more exclusively, Jackson. It's funny, but the relationship seems to be mutual. Jack loves it when Joey pets him, even when that means grabbing him one handful of fur at a time. It's my goal to capture this on video soon.

All in all, we have a happy baby. He's happy at home and happy at daycare. He loves to smile and love and is a joy to be around.

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