Friday, June 1, 2012


Joe surprised me with a trip to Jefferson, TX just the two of us for my birthday. He had been scheming for several weeks and arranged to have his parents watch Joey. We had our first overnight away from kiddo, complete with rest, relaxation and fun.

Jefferson is a very historic town in East Texas, known at the bed and breakfast capital of East Texas. We stayed at the Excelsior House Hotel, which was built in the 1850s. The room we stayed in was the Lady Bird Johnson room, which featured photos, letters, paintings and a clock from Lady Bird. I have to say, it was really cool. I have never stayed in a place that old and it had so much charm.

We spent the day, and a little of the next, walking around, taking in the sites, touring, antiquing, etc. We even took in a walking ghost tour! We really enjoyed ourselves.

Here are a few photos of our trip.

And I have to throw in a couple of funnies...

The sign on the right cracked us up.

There was a Corvette show on the street outside our hotel the morning after we arrived. Joe's truck was parked in the middle of the Corvettes...OOPS!

The picture may not do it justice, but this man was in his late 60's, black spikey hair (think porkupine) with grey tips = Forever Young

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