Thursday, July 26, 2012

Joey: 10 Months

Joey is 10 months old today and I have to say, he has changed the most in the past month overall. The best guess at his weight is right around 18 pounds.

Joey is now full on crawling, cruising around. He's pulling up onto things, staying no higher than knee level. He's going from crawling to sitting and back like it's nothing. He's curious and always busy.

He's also talking like crazy. He says "da da" and "uh oh" constantly and will mutter " no no no no" and "oh no" every so often. That combined with other babble, screaming and yelling.

Joey has been introduced to several new foods in the last month. The most exciting part has been the introduction of true solid foods. He's eating more solids than purees these days, but has been introduced to avocado, eggs, asparagus, watermelon, cantaloupe, pinto beans, wheat cereal, pancakes, toast and strawberries. He really hasn't disliked anything we've given him. This kiddo loves to eat!

Joey sleeps around 10-11 hours at night and takes two naps ranging from 1-3 hours at a time. This month we started sleep training him - putting him down in his crib awake instead of rocking him - and he's taken to it beautifully. He's been doing well with it at nap time for a while and it took just a few nights to get him used to it for bedtime. He goes down every night between 8 and 8:30 and goes right to sleep.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Don't take my toothbrush!

Joey not only does well when I brush his teeth, but he loves his toothbrush. So well that tonight, he insisted upon holding it for his entire bath (ignoring his toys), carrying back to his room after his bath and threw a fit when I took it from him after putting his pj's on. Thrilled by the intensity, need to work on the meltdown factor.

Lego Time!

Aunt Stephanie brought Joey a pack of legos last weekend. His favorite thing to do is destroy anything we build. Then, of course, he has to inspect each piece by sticking it in his mouth.

Getting the hang of this

Joey is really starting to pull himself up onto anything and everything. From toys, to the ottoman, to the couch, to me!

Beating the heat

With the horrible heat this weekend brought, and the car time we logged yesterday - dripping, sweaty child and all - we decided to do something cool today.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Have I mentioned that I love the fact that Joey can eat what we eat? Well I do! I love nothing more than being able to eat a meal as a family and it's usually breakfast on Saturday or Sunday morning. This morning Joey got to try pancakes for the first time.

While cute, we had to tear the pancake into smaller pieces, but I couldn't resist.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Pulling up!

If intrigued enough, Joey will pull himself up! He seems to be most interested in pulling himself up onto toys or up to get toys.


Joey's really got the hang of this crawling thing. He's gone from the squirmy belly drag to a full-on cruising crawl.

Breakfast with Daddy

Joey and Daddy are spending time together this morning before Joe heads to work and they had breakfast together. Eggs, toast, watermelon and cantaloupe - YUMMY!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Visit from the ladies

Joey had a few visitors this weekend. Three to be exact - Grandma, Great Grandma and Aunt Stephanie!


Dancing around with Aunt Stephanie

Ready for football season with a new sippie cup - Go Hawkeyes!

Dinner at La Hacienda Ranch

Two Grandmas make bath time better

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Helping with laundry

This is Joe's idea of Joey helping fold laundry...I don't think so.

Splash Park Fun

The three of us decided to cool off a little this morning at a splash park.

And to dry off before we left, a little swing and slide fun!


You eat what we eat

We all got to eat breakfast together this morning! And Joey got to eat what Joe and I ate (minus the bacon), He enjoyed bananas, eggs and toast. YUM!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Loving Squash & Carrots

We've moved onto soft solids foods! Joey is enjoying his chuncks of squash and cooked carrots. YUM!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Pool Time

Joey, Uncle Ben, Aunt Shannon and I headed to the pool today. It was Joey's first time, and a successful venture at that. It sure felt nice to cool down a little.

Swinging in the Hammock

Joey enjoyed the peace and quiet of the hammock at Uncle Ben and Aunt Shannon's house. He had a little company too. His cousin, John, was so sweet with him. It was a joy to watch the boys together all weekend. John wanted Joey to hang out with him so badly.

Sweet cousins

John holds Joey to make sure he doesn't fall

Just hanging out while grandma rocks them back and forth

And Joey fell asleep

Celebrating Baby Eli

This weekend Joey and I head to Houston to celebrate Baby Eli at Shannon's baby shower. It was great to see Joe's brother Ben and his wife Shannon as well as the rest of the Priest clan.