Thursday, July 26, 2012

Joey: 10 Months

Joey is 10 months old today and I have to say, he has changed the most in the past month overall. The best guess at his weight is right around 18 pounds.

Joey is now full on crawling, cruising around. He's pulling up onto things, staying no higher than knee level. He's going from crawling to sitting and back like it's nothing. He's curious and always busy.

He's also talking like crazy. He says "da da" and "uh oh" constantly and will mutter " no no no no" and "oh no" every so often. That combined with other babble, screaming and yelling.

Joey has been introduced to several new foods in the last month. The most exciting part has been the introduction of true solid foods. He's eating more solids than purees these days, but has been introduced to avocado, eggs, asparagus, watermelon, cantaloupe, pinto beans, wheat cereal, pancakes, toast and strawberries. He really hasn't disliked anything we've given him. This kiddo loves to eat!

Joey sleeps around 10-11 hours at night and takes two naps ranging from 1-3 hours at a time. This month we started sleep training him - putting him down in his crib awake instead of rocking him - and he's taken to it beautifully. He's been doing well with it at nap time for a while and it took just a few nights to get him used to it for bedtime. He goes down every night between 8 and 8:30 and goes right to sleep.

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