Oh my gosh, we have a one year old! UPDATE: Joey had his doctor's appointment today (10/1). He weighed in at 18 pounds (7th percentile) and is 29.3 inches long (26th percentile). Our little peanut. The 12 month shots were brutal! Fever, crankiness and one tired baby. Hopefully he will feel better tomorrow.
Our busy little bee continues to be busy. He's all over the place - always on the go and quite the talker. Joey now says kitty, dog and no. As long as his eyes are open, he's saying (or screaming) something. Joey still isn't pulling up past his knees, but he will stay standing for a while if we stand him up against a toy or ottoman. He will put his foot down and we think he's going to try and stand, but he's not there yet.
We're right on track with ditching the bottle, although I think Joey would still prefer it over the sippie. We cave every once in a while, but he's almost exclusively on sippie cups now. We also made the transition to whole milk a few days ago. Once he got over the fact that his milk is now cold, he seems to be tolerating it pretty well. With this, we've transitioned to more table food and less milk - which is probably more of a transition for us than for him. In the past month, Joey's had been introduced to corn, pineapple and black beans.
Joey loves books! He likes to look through them on his own and loves for us to read to him. He will drag all of his books out, look through them and bring a few over to us for us to read. It's pretty sweet.
He loves to play with blankets and towels. You will notice one laying on the floor next to him in most photos. He likes to wrap them around him and spin in circles. We will get the occasional peek-a-boo along with it.
Joey seems to have an attachment with his sock monkey. He will give the monkey kisses, go get it when you ask him where it is and tote it along with him when he's playing. We tried to put the monkey in his crib with him, but he didn't understand it was sleep time not play time, so that thought didn't last too long.
He also loves singing shows on TV - more specifically, The Voice. He will stop doing whatever he's doing to watch the people sing and clap when they are done. It's the funniest thing to watch.
No change in sleep schedule - still 2 naps a day, 1-3 hours each and 10-12 hours every night. He's our little sleeping trouper - as long as he has at least two pacifiers in his crib at all times. Breaking him of the pacifier will be a challenge. It's a good thing it's a little while off.
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