Joey is 23 months, standing strong at the 22 pound mark. Luckily next month he has a doctor's appointment, so we can see exactly how much he weighs and how tall he's gotten.
Joey's verbal skills have grown more conversational - "Mommy, come here." "Daddy, sit down." "Want to go outside?" "Daddy's at work." He's building 4-5 word sentences consistently. He really seems to understand more too. I will give him options to let him choose and he will select something (shirt, book, etc.)
We've still got a picky eater on our hands. He still won't touch veggies (although they are still offered twice daily). He is sticking to the same main items.
As far as sleep habits are concerned, we're still at the one solid daily nap and continue to struggle with waking in the middle of the night and getting him back to sleep in him own bed. I hope he outgrows this stage soon. =)
Joey's walking has improved greatly. He doesn't really walk anywhere anymore, he runs. He's becoming more independent and doesn't really want to hold our hand, he'd rather do it himself.
Pictures with the chalkboard are continuing to be a struggle. I will have to think of something different for the next twelve months. =)
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