Thursday, December 26, 2013

Joey: 27 Months

Where has the last month gone? At 27 months Joey is busier than ever! From the second he opens his eyes in the morning, until the moment his head crashes into his pillow at night, this kiddo is running at full speed and talking up a storm. Conversations are being much easier. He understands us more and we understand him. We still have frustrated moments when Joey tries to express his feelings or thoughts and can't get them out, so he has a little melt down. Most of the time we can work through them with minimal tears, but it's a work in progress.

Joey is weighing in right around the 25 pound mark, slow and steady wins the race. :)

Joey continues to love to play with dinosaurs, read books, play with cars, trains, trucks, balls, legos...the list goes on. He's all boy for sure! Joey loves movies. He's particularly fond of Rise of the Guardians, Finding Nemo, Toy Story and Happy Feet.

He's a complete joy and makes us laugh daily. Joey's still a bit of a picky eater, but has a serious sweet tooth - ice cream, cake, candy...the list goes on. He also has a special place for chips.

Check the photo of this little cutie this month!

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