Sunday, January 26, 2014

Joey: 28 Months

28 months already! And a whopping 26 pounds. What can I say about this kiddo this month? He amazes me daily. There's nothing that compares to watching the wonder and amazement through the eyes of my almost 2 1/2 year old.

Joey knows what he wants and when he wants it. He will ask for a specific food when he wants it, after he announces that he's hungry, of course. He requests ranch, ketchup, chicken, fish stickies, corn dogs, pizza, french fries, mac & cheese, beenas (bananas), oranges, apples, strawbries (strawberries), pineapple, corn (although he won't eat it), popcorn, waffles, muffins, donuts, pancakes, juice, water, milk...and so much more.

He can distinguish animals (giraffe, elephant, dinosaur, etc.) and colors. He continues to count to ten. The cowboy boots we couldn't get him into four months ago, he constantly wants to wear. I'm seeing shorts and his boots in the very near future. :)

Joey takes his tablet very seriously. Feeding "Bubble Puppy" is hard work!

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