Friday, June 26, 2015

Charlotte: 2 Months

This past month has gone way too quickly! Charlie is already 2 months old! She's becoming more alert with each week. She loves to sit up and look around and has great head control. She continues to eat consistently every 3 hours and is starting to sustain a little at night. She's given me a four hour stretch and a six hour stretch, yet it's not consistent yet. She'll have a good night, then go back to eating every three hours the next night. I'm hoping she will start to sustain on a more consistent basis soon.

Charlie continues to enjoy the company of her giraffe, she also enjoys her swing and her playmat. She loves to snuggle and enjoys being bounced and looking around. She's definitely a sweet little baby.

This month, Charlie is weighing in at 10 pounds, 7 ounces and is 22.3 inches long. Unfortunately, she came down with a little virus and was unable to get her two month vaccinations on schedule. She will have to go back in a week or so, when she's feeling better. This month's photo was a lot more successful!

Thursday, June 25, 2015


Apparently I was a momarazzi for poor Charlie this week.

Saturday morning

Monday afternoon

Thursday morning

Thursday afternoon

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

All Tuckered Out!

Someone had an intense playmat session this morning and zonked right out.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

7 Year Anniversary

Continuing with this year's theme of spending our anniversary as a family, we decided to take both kiddos to Benihana for dinner. We went just the two of us for our one year anniversary, took Joey with us for our five year wedding anniversary and thought getting an updated photo of all four of us together would be awesome. And the picture is great, except for one thing. Thanks lady. Letting me know I was blocking Charlotte's face with my hair would've been awesome. #benihanaphotofail


Joey thinks his popcorn popper is a vacuum? At this point we're not questioning it...just going with it. Before we know it, he'll be pushing the real vacuum...hopefully.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Rangers Game Fun!

We decided to spend our anniversary this year together, as a family and thought it would be fun to take the kiddos out to the ballpark for their first Rangers game! Despite spending a million dollars on food for Joey, both kids did FANTASTIC!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Papa made shelves for Charlie's room!

Papa offered to make shelves for Charlie's room. After drawing up plans and getting to work, he knocked them out in no time. Now they're all hung and ready to hold books. Here's the initial setup, although they will be completely full before we know it! Thanks so much Grandpa! They look fantastic!

Well, hello!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Neighborhood Shenanigans

These neighborhood kids have too much fun! The sprinkler + street clothes = strip down to your underwear...apparently. At least they had fun.

Monday, June 1, 2015