Friday, June 26, 2015

Charlotte: 2 Months

This past month has gone way too quickly! Charlie is already 2 months old! She's becoming more alert with each week. She loves to sit up and look around and has great head control. She continues to eat consistently every 3 hours and is starting to sustain a little at night. She's given me a four hour stretch and a six hour stretch, yet it's not consistent yet. She'll have a good night, then go back to eating every three hours the next night. I'm hoping she will start to sustain on a more consistent basis soon.

Charlie continues to enjoy the company of her giraffe, she also enjoys her swing and her playmat. She loves to snuggle and enjoys being bounced and looking around. She's definitely a sweet little baby.

This month, Charlie is weighing in at 10 pounds, 7 ounces and is 22.3 inches long. Unfortunately, she came down with a little virus and was unable to get her two month vaccinations on schedule. She will have to go back in a week or so, when she's feeling better. This month's photo was a lot more successful!

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