Sunday, July 26, 2015

Charlotte: 3 Months

Charlotte's personality is shining through more and more each day. Charlie is a mellow baby! She really doesn't cry at all. She talks when she wakes up at night to eat. It's actually pretty funny and very cute. She will really only cry if she's starving and you're not giving her what she wants, if she has a dirty diaper that you haven't noticed or if she gets hot in the car. That's really about it.

As far as eating is concerned, she continues to go 2 1/2 - 3 hours between feedings during the day and will range anywhere from 6 - 10 hours at night. She has been fairly consistent for the past week or so, so I think we may try moving her to her crib at night this coming week.

Charlie continues to love her playmat and is starting to scoot a little on it. All that kicking is getting her somewhere! She tolerates (at best) tummy time and is getting a little more tolerant of sitting in the Bumbo. She loves to sit up and look around though, so the strength and head control continues to progress.

No doctor's appointment this month, but the best guess we can calculate is that Charlotte is between 11 & 12 pounds.

This month's photo op was equally successful! I think she's starting to realize this photo thing is here to stay. :)

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