At 4 months, Charlotte weighs 13 pounds, 5 ounces and is 23.8 inches long. She continues to be a happy, talkative little girl. And she's oh so sweet.
Charlie is starting to sleep a little more at night. She's going consistently 10-12 hours between feedings at night (most nights) and is going 2 1/2 - 4 hours between feedings during the day. She is taking a bottle on a consistent basis during the day at daycare! She started daycare almost two weeks ago and is doing great!
She continues to love her playmat. She scoots around on it and rolls up onto her side while playing. I'm waiting for gravity to take over and for her to roll onto her tummy. She's trying to sit up a little. When she's lying down, she'll lift her head up like crazy, like she's trying to sit up. She loves to sit in her Bumbo and jumperoo and just loves to sit up and look around. Still not a fan of tummy time though.
This month's photo is a really good one. We're really starting to get the hang of this...for now.