Sunday, August 30, 2015

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Charlotte: 4 Months

At 4 months, Charlotte weighs 13 pounds, 5 ounces and is 23.8 inches long. She continues to be a happy, talkative little girl. And she's oh so sweet.

Charlie is starting to sleep a little more at night. She's going consistently 10-12 hours between feedings at night (most nights) and is going 2 1/2 - 4 hours between feedings during the day. She is taking a bottle on a consistent basis during the day at daycare! She started daycare almost two weeks ago and is doing great!

She continues to love her playmat. She scoots around on it and rolls up onto her side while playing. I'm waiting for gravity to take over and for her to roll onto her tummy. She's trying to sit up a little. When she's lying down, she'll lift her head up like crazy, like she's trying to sit up. She loves to sit in her Bumbo and jumperoo and just loves to sit up and look around. Still not a fan of tummy time though.

This month's photo is a really good one. We're really starting to get the hang of this...for now.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Joey Playtime

First of all, this kid loves his jammies. Like, there are some days that he literally begs to stay in them all day long. And, if we're not going anywhere that day, I let him. :)

Secondly, he loves to play.

He made handcuffs out of Charlotte's toys

Friday, August 21, 2015

Completely Updated + Unseen Video!

We are completely up to date! Plus, I'm sure you've noticed a lack of video this year. I was having some trouble with YouTube videos showing up on the blog, so I quit uploading them until I could figure it out. Good news is, I found a work-around. I've uploaded all back-video to YouTube, so everything (and I do mean everything) has been loaded and is posted. If you want to see just the video that is new, click on "video" on the right under "Categories". This will show just the posts with the video tag. New posts go all the way back to February.

Happy viewing! It sure will be easier to keep up with this thing now. :)

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Charlie takes the bottle

We've had so much of a struggle with Charlie taking a bottle. The situation had me really worried - going back to work, would my baby eat, would she starve...inside my head constantly. The first day or so she put up a fight, but she took the bottle all week. And now she's a pro! She even let daddy feed her tonight! (finally)

Monday, August 17, 2015

Maternity Leave is Over

These past 16 weeks have been more than I could hope for. I've had an amazing time getting to know my sweet baby girl and spending extra time with her awesome big brother. I work for such an amazing company to give me 16 full weeks without any worry. This is one lucky, thankful mama. ‪#‎maternityleaveisover‬ ‪#‎backtowork‬

Friday, August 14, 2015

Just a little playtime

Someone is finding and playing with rattles and rings!

Someone else is all of a sudden into baby toys again

Oh, and tractors

We must play with tractors

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Joey's one man band

Gotta love a boy and his harmonica!

Another family fun day

My maternity leave is approaching its end, and we wanted to have one last full family fun day during the week before I go back. Our options have been limited because it's just so darn hot right now! We decided to take Joey and Charlie over to Rainforest Cafe for lunch and check it out. It's located in a mall, so we got to do a little walking around and shopping before hand.

Carousel ride and he wants to ride in the carriage instead of on a horse.

Of course he got a commemorative cup!

This mall had a million riding things around every corner. He finally got to ride one.
The trip was fun. The restaurant was cool, the food was pretty good. Joey had a blast and even Charlie didn't seem to mind.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Trying to capture a Charlie smile is hard work! She stops as soon as I pull out my phone, so I thought if I flip it and get a selfie of the two of us, it might work...standby. I will capture that precious gummy smile.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Joey's Picnic

Joey organized a picnic with some of his faves. A couple dinosaurs, a couple tractors and goldfish. I couldn't think of a better combination.

Saturday, August 8, 2015


Joey was being "too quiet", so I sneak up on him to see what he's up to. I find him sitting on his kitchen watching cartoons...

A little swingset fun!

We headed outside early this morning to enjoy some time outdoors before the heat set in.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Big girl chair

Such a big girl sitting up, hanging out in a big girl chair.

Just hanging out

I am enjoying these days so much! The month that I head back to work is here and these days will soon be fewer and further between. Enjoying the last couple of weeks while I can.