Saturday, September 26, 2015

Charlotte: 5 Months

We have a 5 month old! I feel like the time is flying right on by. Despite having a cold, this little girl is such a happy little thing! She's constantly talking and smiling and is so, so sweet.

While she didn't have a doctor's appointment this month, she is right around 14 pounds. Charlotte continues to grow and it's easy to see she's getting bigger.

Charlie's sleeping patterns are more and more defined. She is sleeping through the night, consistently 10-12 hours at a time and she does this most nights. She really didn't waiver while having a cold either, which is better for everyone. She's not much of a napper during the day, but I'll take the night sleep over naps any day of the week! She's going more consistently 4 hours between feedings during the day and has been introduced to both rice and oatmeal cereal successfully.

She continues to love her playmat. She scoots around on it and rolls up onto her side while playing. She still hasn't rolled over yet, but she's ridiculously close. I'm on standby with my phone to get video! Tummy time has gotten much better. She still doesn't like to do it for long, but she lifts her head up about as far as she can without pushing up with her hands. She loves to sit in her Bumbo and in the highchair. She has also become more tolerant with her jumperoo and will sit there and play for more extended periods of time. 

You can see how congested she is in this month's photo, but she's smiling through it. Bless her little heart. 

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