Saturday, December 26, 2015

Charlotte: 8 Months

Our little 8 month old is weighing in around 15-16 pounds. That's our best guess until the next doctor's appointment. She continues to enjoy solid foods. New items she's tried in the last month include: avocado, sweet potatoes, refried beans, french fries and Ritz crackers. She loves the independence of being able to feed herself. Those little pinchers are always looking for something to pickup off that tray. When I feed her baby food, I have to distract her with a spoon of her own, otherwise she's going after mine.

Laying down is of absolute no interest to this child. Charlotte is always sitting up, busy, busy, busy. She could play for hours. She's starting to gravitate toward baby dolls and other stuffed animals. She also has an obvious love for animals, especially the cats. The weirdest thing is that Abby loves her too. Abby is usually scared of others, was very scared of Joey. She's always real close to Charlie though. I think these two are going to be buddies. She loves her rings, remote control toy and rattles. Really, anything. She will play with anything.

Her sleep schedule varies. Naps are still hit and miss and some weeks we have a great nighttime schedule, while other weeks she's up constantly. I don't really know what's going on. She cut two teeth earlier this month, but that seems to have slowed down. Who knows?

Charlie is quite the little talker. In addition to saying Dada, she's saying Mama and No no no no. Always in 4's :).

Charlie is becoming more aware of our little age chalkboard. This could start to get more and more interesting.

And Joey wanted to jump in for this month's photo as well. :)

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