Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Charlotte: 9 Months

We've got a nine month old on our hands! Crazy how fast time is going. This month Charlie had a doctor's appointment, so we were able to get her height/weight. She's 17 pounds, 4 ounces and 26.5 inches tall. She's got a petite little build, but he's growing right along her course. She took her shots like a champ this time too!

Charlie isn't interested in crawling - AT ALL. But, she's found her own method of transportation. She is a master of the booty skooch. She literally sits up and skooches around on her booty. She's getting pretty fast too. She's mobile, just in her own way. I'm not sure she ever will crawl, maybe go straight into pulling up and walking from here. It's really funny.

While she's still not sleeping through the night consistently, we've experimented with her sleeping on her belly and she's starting to show that is her preference. We'll see if that was just a fluke, or if she continues to prefer sleeping on her belly. She has started napping more consistently during the day. She will take 1-2 naps a day, ranging from 1-2 hours each. She's still very schedule-oriented and gets very verbally tired and ready for bed every night around 7. That's when we usually start our bedtime routine and she's eating and trying to fall asleep around 7:30 every night.

We've added a few new items to the food list for this little one: peaches, carrots, beans, mac & cheese, yogurt, shredded chicken. She prefers to feed herself and frequently pushes the spoon away from me - unless it's something she really loves (like fruit or yogurt).

Charlie continues to be very verbal. She's starting to make more sounds, but hasn't said any additional new words at this point.

Her little personality is so positive. She's so happy, so mellow. She thinks everything is hilarious, especially her brother. But, she gets equally frustrated and annoyed with him sometimes. It's funny to watch their dynamic and interaction. I can't wait to see how this grows and changes as she can communicate more.

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