Sunday, June 19, 2011

24 weeks and hotter than Haiti

With near 100* days and record breaking heat, we are doing everything possible to stay cool here in lovely Texas. It seems this unseasonably warm weather and pregnancy must go hand-in-hand. =) I hope we will see some sort of relief soon, but time will tell.

What a busy week we've had! Joe and I had a blast setting up baby registeries this week. A little more overwhelming than bridal registry, but Joe had fun once again with the scanner gun. We spent a nice evening together on Friday celebrating our anniversary. It's hard to celebrate in the middle of the week, so we chose to spend some time together when we could. We also welcomed my parents into town this weekend. They arrived on Saturday and we enjoyed catching up and spending some quality time all day and again today. And, of course, Father's Day today! Happy Father's Day to you dads out there! This was the first Father's Day with my dad in at least 9 years - and Joe's first Father's Day as a daddy-to-be. We were all able to spend time together this morning and enjoy breakfast before Joe headed into work.

With such a busy weekend, unfortunately I don't have any pictures. I will get better about taking pictures - I promise! To not leave everyone high and dry, here's a belly shot. Another self portrait. Enjoy!

And on an exciting note, we were able to see baby's kicks this week! Seeing my belly move with his movements was truly one of the most exciting things I've ever seen. Just thankful to see it when Joe was able to see it.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds as though you are both enjoying the idea of a new son. You are so adorable. Can't wait to see the baby's room when it is completed. Love mom & dad Smith
