Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July Weekend fun

I love 4th of July weekend! I was fortunate enought this year to enjoy my husband's company all day Monday. We did a couple of untraditional things this year. First off, enjoying a Rangers game together on Sunday night. We had fantastic seats and while they lost, we had a blast!

Joe's parents came into town Monday to so his dad could help Joe work on the A/C in his car. Fingers crossed, they did the trick. We had a nice time visiting with his parents and did our fair share of talking. It's always nice to have a visit, especially an unexpected one.

This week will be busy with paint swatches and figuring things out in the nursery. That means more blog posts and pictures, as I've got a few things up my sleeve already. Until then, I hope you all had a great holiday weekend and aren't struggling too hard to get back into the swing of things.

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