Thursday, July 14, 2011

Queen of the Swatch

The name of the game is pick a paint color for the nursery. This mission is turning out to be a little harder than I thought. We picked colors for every wall in this house, but why does this appear to be so darn difficult? Joe grabbed a few paint swatches from our neighborhood Lowe's and I wasn't convinced.

The more I looked at these swatches against the curtains we previously ordered, the more I wanted to change the paint color. So...back to Lowe's.

I get back home, and start pooling all of the swatches together (feeling like the Queen of the Swatch) and I had to take a step back. Of course I was able to narrow them down to a handful, but I was hoping to make a little better progress than that.

This weekend's objective is to narrow these bad boys down to a few favorites and head back to Lowe's for some samples. I am convinced that getting some paint on the wall will help me make the decision and we can get this thing done. Stay tuned...

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