Monday, December 19, 2011

Maternity Leave is over

Joey up, fed, changed and ready to go - check.
Diaper bag packed, milk ready to go - check.
Baby loaded in the car and off to Miss Barbara's with daddy - check.

Life as I have known it for the past 12 weeks is changing. Back to work I go. Yesterday marked the last day of maternity leave before I head back to work full-time. We made the most of the weekend, spending as much time together as we could.

Joey and I had some good times during the past few months - countless hours of daytime TV (The Today Show, Ellen, Rachael, Nate Berkus and even watching Regis say goodbye and the transition of the show to Live with Kelly), transitioning from Joey sleeping during the day and being awake for most of the night, lots of playtime, lots of love and getting to know one another.

I can't believe how much the little guy has changed over the past few months alone. It's amazing! I feel like it's just a sneak peak to what the rest of his first year will be like. I am so in love with the little guy and so grateful that I have been able to take as much time as I have. I would love to stay home with him every day, but back to reality I go.

And this morning, minimal tears as my two favorite guys headed out the door.

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