Sunday, February 26, 2012

Joey: 5 Months

Our little man is 5 months old! This past month I've noticed him turning into more of a little boy than a baby. His little personality is starting to shine.

Joey is very verbal. He loves to talk, yell, long as he is awake he is talking in some form. He really studies our faces and likes to mimic. He mimics coughing and thinks it's hilarious. He loves anything touching his face including his hands, toys, our hands, etc.

This month Joey discovered the animals. He has always known they are there, but is watching them as they walk by, petting them and seems to like them. We will see how this relationship blossoms over the next few months and years.

Joey has fantastic head control and loves being on his belly. He has gotten up onto his knees while on his belly, so we held our breath for a moment to see what was next. For now, nothing further but it will be here before we know it.

We introduced Joey to cereal when he turned four months old. He is turning into our little pro. He loves his rice cereal and oatmeal and is eating them quicker every day. This kiddo has always been a good little eater for us. He cleans his plate and gobbles up his "nom-noms" right away.

Joey has hit a growth spurt this month, weighing in at 14.7 pounds!

Hanging with daddy

My two favorite guys, just hanging out on the couch together.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Date with Mommy

Joey and I headed to a co-workers baby shower - just mommy and Joey.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Boys Club

Boys Club - No Girls Allowed

Except for Samantha, apparently...

Back from a hiatus

We were on an unintential hiatus, but we're back! The last two weeks have been...interesting. We got a phone call on a Saturday night and our child care had fallen through for an undetermined amount of time. We've scrambled for the past two weeks and are still working to find a good full-time place for our little man. A BIG thanks to those who have helped us out. We couldn't have done it without each of you. Fingers crossed we can get this figured out and locked down this weekend to start next week!

I have also spent the last week sick - sick as a dog. This is the first time since before I got pregnant with Joey. I have to say, I didn't miss it. Being sick with a kiddo is HARD!

Because I hate posting without a picture, here's my sweet guys.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Petting the kitty

I looked over and noticed Joey had discovered one of the cats, Jackson. He was just laying there petting him. As a bonus, we got a little babbling on tape. This kiddo is the master of playing shy toward the camera, so I will take the two-fer for sure. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

In love with this face

I can't help it, I'm in love with this face and those gorgeous baby blues.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

All Tuckered Out

Apparently someone had a hard play day at daycare today.

I was bouncing him on my knee while eating, looked down and saw him sleeping. Good thing I got the bath out of the way!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Snuggly Sunday

Someone was feeling a little snuggly today.

And having a hard time deciding whether to stick his rattle or his hand in his mouth.

Current Family Favorite - at least in our house

A little play time

Joey loves to play. He's really into taking his rattle and beating the hanging objects on his playmat. He also enjoys some tummy time, but only if his train is near.