Sunday, February 26, 2012

Joey: 5 Months

Our little man is 5 months old! This past month I've noticed him turning into more of a little boy than a baby. His little personality is starting to shine.

Joey is very verbal. He loves to talk, yell, long as he is awake he is talking in some form. He really studies our faces and likes to mimic. He mimics coughing and thinks it's hilarious. He loves anything touching his face including his hands, toys, our hands, etc.

This month Joey discovered the animals. He has always known they are there, but is watching them as they walk by, petting them and seems to like them. We will see how this relationship blossoms over the next few months and years.

Joey has fantastic head control and loves being on his belly. He has gotten up onto his knees while on his belly, so we held our breath for a moment to see what was next. For now, nothing further but it will be here before we know it.

We introduced Joey to cereal when he turned four months old. He is turning into our little pro. He loves his rice cereal and oatmeal and is eating them quicker every day. This kiddo has always been a good little eater for us. He cleans his plate and gobbles up his "nom-noms" right away.

Joey has hit a growth spurt this month, weighing in at 14.7 pounds!

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