Monday, March 26, 2012

Joey: 6 Months

I can't tell you how quickly the first six months of Joey's life have flown by. I can't believe that in another short six months our little guy will be a year old. I won't get ahead of myself though, one month at a time.

This month Joey has changed leaps and bounds! He rolls from his stomach to his back more and more and will lay on his back with his head cocked to one side, legs all the way over, practically on his side, but isn't interested in rolling completely over. We'll see if he decides to do that back to belly roll, or just skips it completely and moves on to crawling. He will get up on his haunches and lift his torso up ever so tall.

Joey recently found his feet and realized they are attached. Since then, he loves to grab them, look at them, point his toes, etc. No toes in the mouth, but he's definitely a fan.

This kiddo finds everything hilarious. He giggles when we giggle, when he anticipates us giggling - you name it, he giggles. I love the fact that he's such a happy baby!

We have recently started feeding Joey more baby food. He loves anything and everything - although we've had to do some coaxing with peas and squash, he's getting used to the textures and doesn't seem to mind them too much. I make his baby food and look forward to trying new things. So far he's been introduced to peas, squash, sweet potatoes, bananas, applesauce and pears. This is in addition to the rice cereal and oatmeal cereal he's been enjoying for a couple of months now. Green beans and carrots are right around the corner.

Joey still loves the toys and activities he's been a fan of and has taken a recent interest in the animals. He loves pet the cats (both cats - yes Abby too) and Sam. He giggles when Sam gives him kisses. He has only seen Bailey from afar, which is mostly her doing. Not looking forward to those encounters when he's mobile. We'll see how that goes when the time comes.

I don't have his stats yet this month, but Joey is heading to the pediatrician on Friday so we will update accordingly then. **UPDATE: Joey weighed in at 15 pounds, 15 ounces and is 25.5 inches tall. He tolerated is vaccinations like a trooper, just getting really sleepy at bedtime.

Mr. Shy Man posed for the six month photo below. For some reason, whenever the cameras come out, the kiddo gets stage fright.

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