Saturday, March 24, 2012

Weekend Project - Tackle the Yard

Joe had this weekend off work (YEA!) so we decided to tackle the yard (ick). The yard has been a bit of an eyesore. I am terrible about remembering to take "before" photos until we're mid-way through a project. I will do some digging but for now, on to the good stuff.

We ripped out the flower garden in the front of the house. Removed the old rock, built up the dirt, added mulch, removed a dead bush and added new bushes. We will go back and add some flowers in a week or so. Here's what she looks like now.

Joe hard at work

Here are the after shots

Joey came out to watch us work and had a great time.

We took Joey on his first trip to Lowe's. He had a blast just looking around in the garden section. He even grabbed onto a plant when I wasn't paying attention. I like to think he was helping us pick one out. Of course it made it into the cart - let's see how Joey's Pink Oleander does. I told Joe we can't kill that one!

A transformation occurred in the backyard as well. But, I didn't snap a single photo of it (Oops - again). I will get on that and post them soon enough.

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