Sunday, April 1, 2012

Busy, busy weekend

Joey and I spent a lot of time together on the go this weekend. Yesterday, we met a friend and co-worker nearby to snap Joey's 6 month photos. There's a field near our house that has sprawling bluebonnets right now, so I decided to embrace this Texas frenzy and join the many snapping away at their loved ones. The flowers were so pretty and Joey really enjoyed playing with them. I can't wait to see how they turned out and will post some once we've seen them.

Today Joey and I did a lot of shopping and went to a local art festival. It wasn't huge, but not too bad for our little suburb. It wasn't crowded, so Joey and I were able to get in and out in about 45 minutes - perfect.

I had a great time with my little man and he sure seemed to enjoy getting strolled around town.

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