Sunday, April 29, 2012

Joey: 7 Months

Three days late, but worth the wait...Joey is 7 months old!

This little guy is a joy to be around! He finds everything hilarious and is a very happy baby.

Joey has learned to scoot and is a pro at moving himself backward and in a circle in either direction. He get up on his haunches and will push his front end up, but never both at the same time. Crawling is certain in the near future.

This month Joey has mastered the jumperoo. He now jumps and laughs and screeches from the jumperoo and has an all-around good time. He definitely loves to spend more and more time in it.

He also loves his high chair. As long as he's got toys and a clean spoon, he will sit in it while we cook dinner, eat dinner, clean the kitchen, etc. He loves to sit upright and be able to see what's going on.

He continues to be more and more amused with the animals, especially the cats. He loves to pet them and watch them walk by.

Joey sleeps on average 8-10 hours at night and takes a 1-2 hour morning nap and 1-2 hour evening nap. He enjoys his crib - looking over the bumper when he's awake and just checking things out.

Joey loves to eat. He continues to enjoy rice and oatmeal cereal in addition to pears, apples, bananas, peas, green beans, sweet potatoes, squash, chicken and turkey baby food.

Although we didn't have an appointment with the pediatrician we weighed Joey in at around 17 pounds.

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