Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The anticipation is over - it's a...boy!

After many weeks of anticipation, today we had our 20 week doctor's appointment and were able to find out the gender of Baby Priest. Cooperating and ever so proud, we easily discovered Baby Priest is a boy!

Here is your photographic evidence.

And the 3D money shot. Baby Priest is one proud boy. He showed us several times. =)

We are both so anxious to meet him now and have several months to prepare and get everything ready. I couldn't resist and purchased the first piece for his room on my way home from work today.

I guess it's a hint for the theme of his room, which many more pictures will come. For now it's paint swatches and a honey-do list for Joe.

Thank you to everyone who shared their gender guesses with us. We love hearing from you all!


  1. Grandma & Grandpa SmithMay 24, 2011 at 8:03 PM

    He is so adorable. We are more excited than ever. Love all 3 of you.

  2. Grandma & Grandpa SmithMay 24, 2011 at 8:05 PM

    So excited I can't spell!!!!

  3. Love the lamp! And I'm so excited for you guys :)

  4. A little baby boy... you guys are going to have so much fun!!!

  5. He sure is proud! So happy for you,can't wait to me Joey ;)

  6. AHHH!! I'm soo excited to be an aunt :)
