Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all of you mama's! I received two Mommy-to-Be cards. One from Joe and one from my mom. It made my day for sure! A big thank you to all of your sweet phone calls, text messages and Facebook posts as well. So many sweet, thoughtful people out there.

As promised to many, I took 18 week belly shots tonight! Bear with me. Joe's still at work - 12 hour work day - so I winged this one myself. Thank goodness for the self-timer mode on my camera.

A definite change in the last two weeks. And in two more weeks we find out what we're having! May has always been a crazy busy month for us and I'm sure it will be again this year, which means it will fly by for sure.


  1. you look so good! :)

  2. Crystal you look so adorable. Here is a big hug from all of us.
