Sunday, July 17, 2011

28 weeks - Hello Third Trimester

The third trimester is here! I can't believe how fast this is going. This is going to start getting real really fast!

Definitely growing, but still lucky enough to feel pretty darn good. No complaints really except for heartburn and not being able to get comfortable at night. After about two nights in a row though, I'm usually so exhausted that it doesn't matter. It certainly seems to go in waves.

This week I get the glucose test for gestational diabetes. Woohoo! Can't wait! Then the doctor's appointments start happening every two weeks.

I'm feeling a lot more movement from the little man, and in different places than I used to feel. He doesn't like me to cross my arms over my belly and isn't afraid to let me know. It's a little strange when I'm in a meeting at work and my arm casually jumps. Not only strange, but distracting. I usually bust out laughing.

I hope Mother Nature starts to be a little kinder as I get bigger. We're on day 20-something in a row of at or over 100 degree temperatures. I honestly quit watching the weather around day 4 because it's just depressing. The local weatherman has resorted to rain dances on the air, which don't seem to be working. Fingers crossed we get a little relief soon. I just don't even want to go outside longer than to get the mail.


  1. Yea for third trimester - crazy!!

  2. You are looking great!!! Cant wait to see that baby!! Love you muffins!! I can say muffins since there are two of you ;)

  3. Crystal,
    This picture is precious. I am sorry but Trent and I will miss the shower this weekend. Just can't swing the trip. I was at your mom's baby shower for you many many years ago and I am sorry I will miss this one. Have fun!
