Sunday, July 24, 2011

Paint Color Picked, Nursery Painted - Check

Thank you to everyone who shared their vote on last weekend's post about paint color. I received several comments via e-mail, Facebook and in person in addition to those posted on here. We made a decision and Joe went to work. We ended up going with Rocky Bluffs, which was the first of the square samples. It was the grey that had the least amount of other random colors (green, blue, tan, brown) in it, which is what ruled out every other color. This did end up being an easy choice for us, once we got some paint on the wall.

I think it looks fantastic and am getting even more excited! Just a few more small things to do (paint doors and base boards, replace light fixture, replace closet door knob, replace blinds), then we can start putting this bad boy together.

The rocking chair and ottoman have arrived and Joe is picking them up tomorrow!

This is going to be a whirl-wind week, as we prepare to leave on Friday to head to Iowa for a baby shower. We are super excited to see everyone that will be able to make and will miss those who can't. Not sure how much progress we will make over the next week in the nursery, but we will have plenty to talk about.

Baby update - the little man is starting to really make his presence known. What I thought were kicks before seem like flutters to the karate chops, somersaults and head-butts that are going on now. It's awesome, and I can't help but smile every time he moves. I also got the results of the glucose screening back with normal levels - YEAH! That 24 hour sugar fast was rough. With everything else a pregnant woman isn't allowed to do, taking sugar away is just down right mean. We've been reunited and all is right with the world again.

1 comment:

  1. Love the paint color and YAY for the glucose test. Sorry I am missing the shower next weekend.
    Love you guys.
