Sunday, October 23, 2011

First bottle

Baby Joey got a visit this weekend from Joe's parents. We love visitors especially grandparents. I took a couple of pictures, but realized most of them were taken with Rob & Pam's camera. DARN IT! I don't have a single shot of grandpa with Joey and only one with Grandma. Boy did I drop the ball on that one.

We had a milestone this weekend. Joey had his first experience with a bottle. He did wonderfully!

Little man loves to eat. Check out his crazy hair!

Daddy feeding Joey for the first time

Grandma got to feed him too

On a side note, I snapped a picture of him in his super cute, super warm pj's the other day. I posted it to Facebook, but had to share here as well. This was the first chilly night of the season. It looks as though he'll have plenty of opportunities to wear cozy clothes in the coming week or so.

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