Sunday, October 9, 2011

More Family Visits

I want to start out by saying today was Joey's due date, the date we counted down toward and looked forward to for so many months. To think, our baby boy will be two weeks old tomorrow. October 9 was so special to me for so long, but September 26 is the best day ever!

For the past 10 days, we have had a busy house. My mom has been in town since then, Joe's mom came by for a couple of days, then my dad and grandma came to town. Lots of visitors for the little man! Today is the first day of just mommy and Joey since he was born. So far, so good, and I love every second of it!

Here are a few photos of this weekend's visit.

Meeting Grandpa Smith

Meeting Great-Grandma Smith

Neither of them wanted to put him down.

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