Monday, December 26, 2011

Joey: 3 Months

Joey is 3 months old! While he doesn't have a doctors appointment until next month and we don't have his exact measurements, we know he is around 12 pounds.

At three months Joey gets most of his sleep at night, going 8-10 hours between feedings. He's a bit of a night owl and likes to stay up until around 11 or 12 before going down for the night. We are working toward an earlier bedtime and hope that with his new routine this will happen sooner rather than later.

Joey started going to daycare at 12 weeks. He goes anywhere from 1 to 4 days per week and really seems to enjoy seeing Miss Barbara.

Joey is cooing and talking more and more. He is starting to really vary the sounds he makes. We are excited to hear this and look forward to him talking. Joey discovered his tongue in the last month. He sticks it out all of the time. We enjoy mimicking him with this - sticking our tongues back out at him and making noises. He smiles a lot and lights up when he sees us. Laughing is right around the corner - he is so close! We are tickling a little here and there to see if we can help squeak one out. He continues to be a busy baby. He loves his play mat and seems to look at it a little differently. He loves the colorful rings that Santa just brought him, loves his swing, Bumbo chair and still prefers to sit up. He is still quite the snuggler, which both mommy and daddy love!

We have noticed that Joey continues to be more alert daily. He is able to see more clearly and is fascinated to take everything in - it's a very cool thing to witness.

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