Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A few words from the Husband

Painted the House, put in new wood floors, new back door. Probably one more day of work and these two huge projects will be done. Looking back over all the hard work we put in over the last six weeks has really paid off, I even impressed myself with how everything has turned out. A special thanks to my parents who, as you know, helped us paint the house. I am extremely lucky to have parents that will work 12 hour days 30 feet off the ground in 40mph wind painting. No new projects for a few weeks!!!! I bet I know which project will come next. In a few weeks we will know if we are having a boy or girl and it will be time to start the nursery. This one should be a lot of fun.   


  1. The house looks really good. The color both of you picked is perfect. Love the floors.

  2. Wish I could be there for the next ultra sound to see the jumping bean. :)
