Sunday, April 17, 2011

House painted - check

As I mentioned in the last post, Joe's parents came into town for a long weekend to help us paint the outside of our house. As with all projects, there were a couple of struggles. Besides the typical took longer and cost more we had the pleasure of rain and hail on Thursday evening (well after dark, thank goodness) and 40 mph winds all day Friday. This made the luxury of spraying the house a joke and it was instead rolled. The job took a day longer than expected, but looks fantastic! Take a look.

Front of house - a little hard to see the color

Side of house

Back of house
Two new (unexpected) additions. A new back door (necessity) and new light fixture (surprise from Joe).

I am super happy with how it all turned out and am thankful Pam & Robert were able and willing to help.

On a side note, Bailey likes to randomly appear in photos. She peaked into the floor photos and now the back yard shot. She's always trying to steal the show.

I almost forgot - for those of you who haven't been to our house, here's a before shot for comparison.

This one is an in-progress shot, but gives a great back of the house view and really shows the old color.

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