Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Spring time = home improvements and family visits

One of the goals Joe and I have this year is to ramp up the home improvements so we can enjoy the hard work we put into this house. The first project - get rid of the nasty ten year old carpet and replace it with hardwoods. Easy right? Several weeks later, everything is done except for a little finish work here and there. It's definitely done enough to share.

Second level den 

Formal dining room

Living room

Stairs - looking down

Stairs - looking up

I know the photos are pretty amateur, but you get the point.

My sweet husband busted his butt to get the flooring done before my fam came for a visit the first weekend in April. SUCCESS! Way to go hubs.

No rest for the weary, bring on project #2! Joe's parents are currently driving in to help us paint the outside of our house. While we still debate between two colors, the painting begins tomorrow. Wish us luck!

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